Friday, 17 February 2012

Light Workers....

are the ones who serve the Light. They "inspire, uplift and flow with Grace, embodying All That Is and mirroring that back to everyone and everything. It means Love, in all its potently infused, flitting and eternal forms. It means showing up and responding whenever Source calls, however that manifests itself in whatever reality. In my own expression, it often means blogging, teaching, painting, writing, and transmitting energy through words, gestures, vibration or intention. It definitely means lovemaking — but not just sexual — lovemaking in the sense of experiencing intimacy with the Earth and all her creatures, as well as the Stars, Galactics, Angels, and beyond. It means pouring Love into the dark spots and holding Love even when the world resists. It means becoming such a vibrational match to Love that everything else can re-member and revisit itself as Love." Laura Bruno

But is that really possible and what does that actually mean on a daily basis? Well i feel that we are all light workers in some way but being a full time mum at this point in time i often feel far away from any of this and far away from the ideal joyful, relaxed and creative mother that i would like to be, let alone the spirited healer. I am often crabby, grumpy and desperate for a little space and sleep. I feel daily that tomorrow i must start anew and really make this day better than the last. To try harder to make things work or respond better to those around me. I want nothing more than to be the one with my children every day, experiencing things with them, keeping a home for them and trying to create a nurturing space and i know that this is the (spiritual) work, this is the journey, this is the challenge and the delight and somewhere in there good stuff is happening and joyful moments are being created. But it can also be hard to see it and to know that you are doing a good job, that you are sending out some good and some light into the world rather than feeling that it is rather relentless and you need to cry into the nappy bucket because you feel far away from being a good mother ( friend etc etc ). Thank goodness my boys are so utterley scrumptious that i want to be better for them and that when they come and cuddle up on my lap or when they squeal with delight at discovering something or when they called me mama for the first time, my heart melts and i realise even more so that this is it, this is where it all is, this is where i m meant and want to be and that i do shine the light into the darkness and i do hold that space no matter what is thrown at me because i love and ultimately that makes me a better person and a better light worker too.

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