It was while living in Glasgow after my first degree that i came across Zaria Cullens CD "Waves Upon Waves: Awakening the Light body. A Sacred Crystal Healing Medicine Journey with Zaria Et An". Somehow i knew that i needed the healing that this CD offered, i was struggling hugely with chronic fatigue, immensely stuck and in need of help, but i didn't know the depths of help that would come from following that intuitive feeling about it.
Here is the blurb from the back cover:
Here is the blurb from the back cover:
"For many years now Zaria has delighted, captivated and enchanted audiences with her inspirational and transformational Crystal Healing Meditations. Spiritually sensitive since birth, Zaria has always been aware of and able to communicate with the Spirits, Divas and Angels of the Earth Mother's sacred Crystals. Here she tells their Medicine Story and guides the listener on a sacred Crystal Healing Journey into the heart of their own potential. Bring your heart back into rhythm with that of the Earth Mother and reclaim your Divine Birthright of feeling Healthy, Happy and Whole. This journey is the equivalent of having a session of Crystal Healing Therapy with Zaria. Highly relaxing while spiritually expansive, this Healing Journey is ideal for both beginners and the more experienced.It contains all you need to know to start healing yourself today. This Crystal Healing Journey can be experienced over and over again ~ anytime you feel the need. Each therapy session will take the listener to a deeper and deeper level of their own Self Healing and Self Empowerment. ENJOY. This journey is dedicated with great love to the spirit of the Earth Mother." If you would like a copy go to Zarias website here.
I used the CD as often as i could and it began to open things up for me and allow me to 'breath' again. It was the start of the deep healing that i needed. Somehow before i left Glasgow i managed to get a private healing session with Zaria because it turned out that my wonderful boss Josef knew her well. I was completely blown away simply by her presence and then by the following healing session. I felt seen for the first time in a long time and i mean really seen to the core of my being. I felt that she just understood without explanation and in that session she began to help me to understand what i had been seeing and feeling all these years and gifted me an understanding of what i might need to do to get better.
I had grown up feeling deeply- feeling other people’s emotions including their physical and emotional pain, but I had no idea how to deal with this hyper sensitivity, instead i often just tried to block out these feelings in order not to feel so much or to be totally overwhelmed by them or the fear of it all. But ironically when you fully acknowledge the fear and allow it instead of trying to push it away it can begin to transform and things can open up. Ultimately F.E:A.R -False.Evidence.Appearing.Real can become Focused.Energy.Alters.Reality.
It was the first course where i felt that each individual was completely honoured for who they are and everything was done with great love, deep respect and gentleness. Zaria is an incredible person and a wise and deeply skilled healer and it was such an honour to be taught by her and be on this awakening journey with her guidance. I came away from each weekend feeling completely reconnected, buzzing with energy and light and enhanced by the whole experience. It was so good to be with people who really understood this stuff and could talk openly about it all as we shared this incredible experience and practiced everything that we learnt on each other. We were given healing foods and were taught a whole host of invaluable skills and essential knowledge about the natural world and vibrational medicine, it was all in all a wholly nourishing experience, a coming home that enabled me to believe in myself again.
We were taught to access the sources of any disease or discomfort, rather than just treating the manifesting symptoms. We worked with the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual bodies in a safe and sacred space. Learning to develop more trust in our own perceptions, and more confidence in our ability to serve and support others and ourselves. "It is the ideal choice for all Holistic Health Care Practitioners, providing plenty of time and space in which to experience and understand Vibrational Medicine. All courses are designed to support and encourage each student, and to honour their unique spiritual perceptions, as they reclaim their birthright of self mastery and self empowerment.Only when we fully love ourselves, are we ready to fully love each other."
One of The U.O.L.’s most basic tenets is that they trust and assume that all of the students carry amazing potential. "And, that with a little support and guidance, they will emerge as proficient and empowered therapists. We also honour each soul who has the wisdom and the courage to make time for the next stage in their own self healing journey. We honour the Medicines of openness, freedom, change, choice, flexibility, acceptance, truth, trust, love and intuition, and know that if you have been guided towards one of our courses - you are ready, and we look forward to sharing the journey with you."
I feel very lucky to have found this training as it has opened up a whole world for me that was trying to get my attention for years and i now feel was essential for me to embrace. I think without knowing it it took a lot of energy to deny what was happening and to try to push it all away.
For years before and after this training i worked with children and teenagers in various settings supporting them and working with their pain and negative beliefs about themselves and about the world, often as a result of adverse life experiences. I began to use this new awareness from the healing course in my work and i also began to be sent clients to work with in order to directly use these skills.
Embracing my intuition and understanding these gifts that i had not previously understood or even wanted to have has been a relief to say the least and was ultimately what i had been searching for in order to start to heal and to find my way foward.
I feel very lucky to have found this training as it has opened up a whole world for me that was trying to get my attention for years and i now feel was essential for me to embrace. I think without knowing it it took a lot of energy to deny what was happening and to try to push it all away.
For years before and after this training i worked with children and teenagers in various settings supporting them and working with their pain and negative beliefs about themselves and about the world, often as a result of adverse life experiences. I began to use this new awareness from the healing course in my work and i also began to be sent clients to work with in order to directly use these skills.
Embracing my intuition and understanding these gifts that i had not previously understood or even wanted to have has been a relief to say the least and was ultimately what i had been searching for in order to start to heal and to find my way foward.
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