Saturday, 12 February 2011

Welcome to the world


Welcome to the world darling Sebastian, you are a dream and are even more scrumptious than i could ever have imagined. .....
and so another delicious love affair begins.

Sebastian was born in water at the Føderiket natural birth unit in Oslo at 1.09am on 24.01.11 weighing 4.07kg/9lbs.
I could not have imagined a better birth or a more fabulous place to give birth, it was just what i'd wanted and i feel very very grateful that it went so well. I'm sure it was because i felt so safe at Føderiket, so completely supported by my husband who was incredible and by my awesome midwife Anne Fjeldberg. I was able to do what i wanted when i wanted and due in part to all the mental preparation and affirmations i was able to really trust my instincts and work with my body and not against it.  It was a fabulous experience, peaceful, gentle and very powerful. I did it and i feel now that i can do absolutely anything!!!

 Welcome to the world lille venn, little one.

All the pictures above were taken by my sister and professional photographer Olivia Mann 10 days after the birth,


  1. Congratulations! He's perfect! I stumbled across your blog looking for induction information. I am only a couple days overdue, but my doctor wants to induce on Friday, which will only make me a week overdue. My gut is saying NO to this but I'm having a hard time making a case with him. I'm hoping and praying this little baby comes on his own before Friday!

  2. Return to Norway-thank you so much, we are very lucky(and thank you for all your comments recently they are so lovely to get, i have been really enjoying your blog too)

    Michelle- thank you too for your kind comments about Seb!I wish doctors wouldn't threaten us with induction so early after our due dates have come and gone, especially when due dates are just a rough approximation of when a baby might be ready to come. If everything is ok when they check you and the baby you should be allowed at least 14 days past your due date before they ask you to be induced (10 days now in Norway although my midwife supported me to go to 14 days)and you are well within your rights to hold out and go over that too if everything is ok with the baby in terms of heart beat, level of amniotic fluid etc. With any luck your baby will come this week but i definately think having acupuncture is a wonderful way to naturally encourage things, as well as making sure that you are as well rested as you can be, among other things. Although not recommended i think that in my case the gastric flu that i sucumbed to the night before the labour seemed to do the trick ;) masses of luck with a natural start to it all and although it's hard, don't be bullied by your doctor.

  3. Darling - what a wonderful welcome to Sebastian. He is indeed the most perfect, beautiful baby - the most perfect since your last one (Theodore is now a gorgeous, hansome young man of nearly 3 years old!). You and Andreas do produce beautiful babies - Congratulations! xxxxx Mama xxxxx


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